using other distro's repos?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Jan 10 16:11:26 UTC 2008

thomas fisher wrote:
> On Thursday 10 January 2008 00:10:28 Peter Garrett wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 01:31:45 -0500
>> anthony baldwin <anthony.baldwin01 at> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to enable repos from other .deb based distros?
>> Yes, it's *possible*  Dogs can walk on  their hind legs, too...
>>> For instance, would it be possible...or, perhaps, rather, would it
>>> work, to add, for instance, Mepis repos to my apt sources list, or linux
>>> mint (I know
>>> they use ubuntu repos)?
>> Be *very* *very* careful... different distros, Debian-based though they
>> may be, are not necessarily using *currently* Ubuntu-compatible packages.
>> For example, Debian Sid is a moving target, Debian testing is a moving
>> target, Debian stable is behind and not moving... that's what "stable"
>> means in the Debian context, amongst other things.... as it does in
>> Ubuntu for that matter. At any given time. whether any of these are
>> compatible with Ubuntu ( $VERSION) is either a lottery or requires an
>> intimate knowledge of the state of development of both/all  distros
>> concerned. At the least, it requires common sense ( "Help, I updated libc6
>> from $REPO and now everything is b0rked!")
>>> We can use actual Debian repos, no?
>> See above, You get to keep all the pieces if it breaks...
>>> I'm also wondering if on an rpm based distro, if one can add repos from
>>> other distros.
>>> (ie, say you are using PCLOS, can you add fedora repos?)
>> No idea. Totally off-topic  <points at list name>  *grin*
>>> Would this be potentially detrimental?
>> Almost certainly, since afaik PCLOS is based on Mandriva, not Red
>> Hat/Fedora
>>> Should I be asking this on the apt-rpm  or apt lists?
>> You would probably get flamed...
>>> Do I ask too many silly questions?
>> Not so much silly as directed to the wrong list?
>>> What color socks are you wearing?
>> Socks are superfluous :) Ask the ghost of Einstein. Oh, shaving cream is
>> also superfluous...
>>> (Hey, at least I'm not writing upside down...)
>> No, just thinking upside down :)
>> It used to be known as "a rush of blood to the head " I believe...  ( /me
>> runs and ducks)
>> Peter
> While this thread is running:
>   Does the  alien   package distributed with the particular ubuntu release 
> prevent any breaking of the release, or does it simply do a transliteration?
> Tom
Well...thanks for clearing that up for me, fellas.
I will NOT be using other repos.


Anthony Baldwin - Translation & Interpreting - Linux for Translators

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño, 
y se gloría de grandes cosas. 
He aquí, ¡un pequeño fuego ­cuán grande bosque enciende!

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