setting up ddclient

Wade Smart wade at
Wed Jan 9 20:04:18 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 01/09/2008 09:12 AM, Wade Smart wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 12/21/2007 04:38 AM, Wade Smart wrote:
>>>> 12212007 0636 GMT-6
>>>> By starting the client as sudo (which I wasnt donig) changing a few of 
>>>> the x=y values I was able to finally get ddclient working. I have been 
>>>> watching system log to see when it connects and it seems to be doing 
>>>> fine. Im also watching the site as well.
>>>> Thanks for the help.
>>>> Wade
>>> Good. However, if you are having to do it that way, ddclient will not
>>> automatically start again if you log out/reboot.  Unless of course you
>>> modify the /etc/ddclient.conf with daemon= and /etc/default/ddclient
>>> to run_daemon="true".
>> 01092008 1109 GMT-6
>> I received an email again asking if me to renew my domain. I thought my 
>> client had been running but its not. I tried to start it and I received 
>> this error:
>> WARNING:  caught SIGTERM; exiting
>> regards,
>>     ddclient at wadesmart (version 3.7.3)
>> This is my ddclient.conf file:
>> # Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
>> #
>> # /etc/ddclient.conf
>> run_daemon='true'
>> daemon=300
>> pid=/var/run/
>> protocol=dyndns2
>> use=web
>> login= loginname
>> password='password'
>> mail-failure=root
>> mail=root
>> syslog=yes
>> I know it was working but for some reason it stopped on Dec 22nd.
>> Wade
> The problem is the use=web line and the missing dyndns servername. The
> file should be:
> # /etc/ddclient.conf
> daemon=300
> pid=/var/run/
> ssl=yes
> use=web,, web-skip='IP Address'
> login=your-username
> password=your-password
> protocol=dyndns2
> You should also add ssl=yes and use ssl to send this info to dyndns so
> that your password is encrypted!
> That should fix the problem, let me know if it does not.
> Gary
> Note: some folks think that dyndns is working because they get a ping
> back from the IP address. Just remember, after the IP is re-leased to
> someone else, you may be pinging the other guy's machine that is now
> using your old IP address... The best way to check is to monitor the
> page for a few days after
> installing ddclient, particularly after reboot and or modem/router
> on/off etc.

01092008 1358 GMT-6

I made the changes and Im still getting that error:WARNING:  caught 
SIGTERM; exiting. I just checked the website and it says it was last 
updated still on the 22nd.

use=web,, web-skip='IP Address' <- Is this 
supposed to my my ip address or just skip checking of the ip address?



Im on cable modem and while I supposed it can change In the many years 
that I have had it I have never changed IP's. Though, better safe than 


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