using other distro's repos?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Jan 10 06:31:45 UTC 2008

Is it possible to enable repos from other .deb based distros?
For instance, would it be possible...or, perhaps, rather, would it
work, to add, for instance, Mepis repos to my apt sources list, or linux 
mint (I know
they use ubuntu repos)?
We can use actual Debian repos, no?

I'm also wondering if on an rpm based distro, if one can add repos from 
other distros.
(ie, say you are using PCLOS, can you add fedora repos?)

Would this be potentially detrimental?
Should I be asking this on the apt-rpm  or apt lists?
Do I ask too many silly questions?
What color socks are you wearing?

(Hey, at least I'm not writing upside down...)


Anthony Baldwin - Translation & Interpreting - Linux for Translators

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño, 
y se gloría de grandes cosas. 
He aquí, ¡un pequeño fuego ­cuán grande bosque enciende!

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