Evolution's crazy habit with moving an e-mail to a folder !?

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Thu Jan 10 00:31:17 UTC 2008

Hello Ubuntu - Evolution experts & users
Evolution drives me crazy !

Moving some e-mails to their respective folders where I want them ...
... also produces an entry in the Trash folder and this really drives me
crazy !!

Why does this happen like this ???

I find it absolutely confusing and NOT necessary !!!
I believe that ONLY deleted messages shall go to Trash !!
The rest remain either in the Inbox or where they have been
copied/moved !

With always an additional entry in Trash it becomes very inconvenient 
to check and overview the correct deletion or relocation ot the mail.

Is Evolution really working like this or do I make an error ...
... handling or settings ???

Your advice and guidance to overcome this is very appreciated !!!
Cheers, svobi

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