PS Re: VVDQ : Alpine on Ubuntu??

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Wed Jan 9 22:33:40 UTC 2008

On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 17:17:54 -0500
Beartooth Testbedder <Beartooth at> wrote:

> <sigh> This is a classic case of the Fine Manual being written for
> those who already know the topic, and just want to check details; and for
> them it's an excellent thing that it should be that way. 

Start here:

Then read:

There's a search box in the top right corner... type the word "upgrade"
and see what you get ( I get 15 hits)

Read this as well:

If you want to learn more, I suggest also looking at

I also suggest that you not try to run GUI tools from a root prompt. As
shown in your post by:

root at SblzUb:# update-manager -c
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 28, in ?
    import gtk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line
45, in ? from _gtk import *
RuntimeError: could not open display

The display is owned by your user, so you will be refused. You will also
run the risk of making your ~/.Xauthority and/or ~/.ICEauthority files
owned by root, which will lock you out completely on next login....

This is what "gksudo" is for - for instance "gksudo synaptic" or "gksudo
"update-manager -c" Mind you, both of these have perfectly adequate GUI or
menu entries anyway, which will prompt for your password.

If you are running the update manager to try to upgrade to a later version
of Ubuntu, you will *only be offered the next version* - you can't go from
6.06 to 7.*

Currently you can only go from 6.06 ( Dapper ) to 6.10 ( Edgy) see:

Your problems stem from not having done the reading required to understand
your system. As has been pointed out, a good starting point is the "Help"
function which appears on your panel. Remarkably few people seem to read
this document, or use its search feature...

"INX Is Not X" based on Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD:
Screenshots slideshow:
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