(follow-up) Re: setting up ddclient

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 9 22:07:19 UTC 2008

On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 14:32:02 -0600
Wade Smart <wade at wadesmart.com> wrote:

> Im not sure what the problem is now? Its checking it finally but its 
> bound to the wrong address. But, when I check the site, it is still 
> saying the 22nd was the last update.

Checking the headers from your emails to the list, it doesn't look like
your IP has changed since at least early Dec 2007. so i assume that
22nd Dec update was the first time you used dyndns?

I should probably have been more precise in my previous post, as well.
When I said "it's working" I meant that the two IP checks should be
identical, in other words the global DNS should be working ;)  - but the
important point is that 

host wadesmart.homelinux.com

should be pointing at , which is consistent with the IP shown
as the originator of your mails, so I think it's right.


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