OT: writing upside down :)

bill purvis bil at beeb.net
Wed Jan 9 19:49:11 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 09 January 2008, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
> > anthony baldwin wrote:
> >> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> >>> I'm getting really tired of turning my monitor upside down just to read
> >>> these messages, dammit...almost fell over the last time.
> >>
> >> I wish I had thought of that...I've been standing on my head on my
> >> desk...
> >
> > It's _way_ easier with a laptop!  I knew this was going to take up too
> > much of my day.
> All computers are laptops, some are just more awkward than others.  Also
> helps if you have a ginormous lap.
For larger than average laptops, here some info about one that I am
(occasionally) involved with. You'd need a pretty big lap for this one:


With apologies to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (or whatever
they're called this year) - the link to their website was too long and
complicated to copy so I downloaded it to my website. It was rather hard
to find....

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: bil at beeb.net                  |
|  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |

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