ls all subdirs and subdirs of subdirs, ad inf?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Wed Jan 9 18:28:29 UTC 2008

anthony baldwin wrote:
> anthony baldwin wrote:
>> Is there a way to write script that will list the contents of a dir AND 
>> subdirs of said dir, and subdirs of said subdirs, ad infinitum?
>> Like, I want to list the contents of /home/me/tunes
>> plus, the subdirs by genre, /home/me/tunes/rock ~folk ~classical ~latin 
>> ~brazilian etc.,
>> plus, the contents of each genre, by artist /home/me/tunes/latin/mana
>> and, in cases where I have still deeper subdirs (by album, for instance)....
>> Basically, a big list/tree of ALL of my tunes...
>> And I want to pipe it to a text window in zenity, or just to a text file.
>> thanks
>> tony
> Never mind....
> I rtfm-ed.
> ls -R
> thanks
> tony
 or find /home/me/tunes

the first gives more of a tree-outline form output
the latter simply a list, but including the file path to each tune.
both are handy

Likely, many of you probably already knew that...

I'll learn.


Anthony Baldwin - Translation & Interpreting - Linux for Translators

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño, 
y se gloría de grandes cosas. 
He aquí, ¡un pequeño fuego ­cuán grande bosque enciende!

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