XGL disabling?

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Mon Jan 7 22:52:13 UTC 2008

>> ahh.  see here, post #4:
>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3600201
>> try this command first:
>> mkdir ~/.config/xserver-xgl
>> then run the touch command again.  then reboot.  XGL should be stopped.
> Thanks, this worked perfectly, but it makes me wonder:  what other
> useful features can only be manipulated though this rather obscure
> configuration method?

*that* list is almost endless.  it would be futile to try and compile 
one.  actually, it would be a good job for a co-op student or an intern.  :)

> I'm happy to report that 3D games are working great and there doesn't
> seem to be anymore video or scrolling lag, which is really good since
> I intend to start using cinelerra for editing video.

great.  glad i could help.

i've seen lots of videos on youtube etc. featuring compiz/beryl using 
xgl and they all seem to run really fast and be really stable.  this has 
not been my experience.

that said, i probably just can't google well enough to come up with the 
tweaks which would make my hardware perform.


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