IRC disconnected

Alejandro amatos at
Mon Jan 7 15:55:33 UTC 2008

El lun, 07-01-2008 a las 10:56 +0000, John Carlyle-Clarke escribió:
> Alejandro wrote:
> > Hola!!
> >
> > I have a problem when using IRC clients: I *always* get a *huge* lag
> > (most of the times I just get disconnected). I really don't know why.
> > Surfing and downloading is alright! (~400 KBps) but IRC's clients (I've
> > tried bitchx and Xchat) refuse to work properly. 
> >
> > I forwarded the port 6667 to my ip address but that didn't work.
> >
> > Any ideas will be welcomed ;)
> > Saludos
> >
> >
> >   
> Hola Alejandro-
> Could it be traffic shaping by your ISP?  Many ISP's do this now to try 
> and control traffic levels and also to provide differentiated service 
> options (i.e. buy this more expensive package and get full-speed P2P).

It might be that, but the thing is that I can download @400 KBps with
any kind of p2p software (when ppl seed of course)

> Mostly this is not noticeable unless you do a lot of P2P or play online 
> games, but I found a strange problem where connecting to a MUD (text 
> based online game in case you are too young to remember them ;) ) was 
> giving me random lag of between 1 and 5 seconds.  I investigated all 
> sorts of local causes but it turned out to be an effect of their traffic 
> shaping.  I think their system recognises traffic by port numbers and 
> also signature content.  They prioritise everything they know about like 
> pop3, imap, smtp, http, https, ssh, irc,  etc. and everything else goes 
> slow.  Because this was not a recognised application, it was going into 
> the slow lane.

The funny thing is that it happened to me when having other ISP here is

The only protocol which I have problems with, is the IRC and nothing
else. Even games run ok =/

mit freundlichen Grüssen

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