XGL disabling?

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Mon Jan 7 17:37:23 UTC 2008

Samuel Thurston, III wrote:
>>> How can I get rid of XGL on gutsy? This is so far the worst addition
>>> to the Ubuntu desktop I have seen... it has no practical purpose and
>>> has effectively crippled my workstation.
>> $ touch ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable
> Running this command yields a "No such file or directory", so I don't
> know what to do... simply killing the Xgl process just kills my xorg
> and when it restarts Xgl has returned with it.

ahh.  see here, post #4:


try this command first:

mkdir ~/.config/xserver-xgl

then run the touch command again.  then reboot.  XGL should be stopped.


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