Synchronize a directory over sftp

Lea Gris lea.gris at
Mon Jan 7 16:00:55 UTC 2008

Smoot Carl-Mitchell a écrit :
> On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 15:10 +0100, Lea Gris wrote:
>> Rsync is done for that.
>> rsync --times --delete-excluded --compress --recursive --progress ~
>> user at remotehost:/destination/directory
> Yep, rysnc is very handy and efficient for remote synchronization.
> However, the remote server may not let you use rsync.

If no rsync is available at the remote host you can do it old school:

tar --create --bzip2 --sparse --file - ~ | ssh user at remotehost "(cd
/destination/directory tar --extract --bzip2 --file -)"

     Léa Gris -
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