boot floppy

Pär Lidén par.liden at
Mon Jan 7 11:23:11 UTC 2008

Just saw this other option:
On your working Ubuntu system, you can install sbm. To do this, you should
open open System (from thetop panel) -> Administration -> synaptic package
manager. Search for sbm, and install only the package named just 'sbm'. Then
in a terminal type
sbminst -d /dev/fd0 (assuming you have a formatted floppy in your floppy

Yes, I know that for some kinds of hardware, Linux is quite difficult to
use. So, in some cases, Linux is still somewhat just for the geeks...


2008/1/7, Pär Lidén <par.liden at>:
> Hello Hanna, sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been away on a little
> trip. From what I understand from the link you provided, you should open a
> command prompt in windows, place yourself in the directory where you
> installed the rawwrite utility and type:
> rawwrite -f d:\install\sbm.bin
> assuming your cd-rom is d: in windows. If it is something else, replace it
> with for example e: or g: or whatever.
> Maybe there could be an option in your bios where you might specify the
> boot order, ie which devices it should try booting from first. In some cases
> you are even able to specify and external cd-rom there. Might be worthwhile
> to check out.
> Hope this could be of some help
> Cheers
> Pär
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