Installation from CD image

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Mon Jan 7 04:50:28 UTC 2008

If you have the ISO file, install it under QEMU or VMWare,

Under your virtual machine, type

$ dd if=/dev/hda | nc 9000

And outside the virtual machine, you type

$ nc -l -p 9000 | dd of=/dev/hda # where /dev/hda is your target
partition, so be careful.

This will clone the system via network.

Make sure the virtual and real machine can see each other via network,
you can assign a "unique" static ip address to both machines via

$ rm /etc/hosts
$ echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
$ echo " mymachine" >> /etc/hosts
$ ifconfig lo up
$ ipconfig eth0 up

I'm sure there are many more ways to do this,
currently this is what I can think of

 * Use the VM's virtual disk images for cloning to real hard disk.
 * Install Linux on other computers and do the netcat cloning via network.


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