London Data Centres (your recommendations, please!) :)
Gilles Gravier
gilles at
Sun Jan 6 12:59:44 UTC 2008
Try these guys :
Of course, they have special offers if you are running on Sun. :) Ever
try Ubuntu on a Sun UltraSPARC T1 1U or 2U server? :)
nad wrote:
> W
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LinuxLearner <linuxlearner at>
> Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 13:06:10
> To:Ubuntu-Users <ubuntu-users at>
> Cc:linuxlearner at
> Subject: London Data Centres (your recommendations, please!) :)
> Hi All,
> I want to buy my first rack server, and place it, once I've configured
> and built on it in the home-office, into a data centre in London.
> Of course it will be running Ubuntu! :)
> Could people please provide some suggestions of who it would be possible
> to contract with to get (initially) one of the following:
> 1. 1u (the smallest rack size, if that is incorrect!);
> 2. 2u (double the smallest size)
> 3. The smallest size of lockable part of a full rack. {I understand
> this is 4u, but on little research: help!!}.
> I have very few funds, as I am in start-up, and need the most reliable,
> lowest cost provider, giving me the space, power & bandwidth only.
> It would be great if any suggested providers could also provide on-site
> hardware support, if needed, on a pay-per-case basis (so I can go on
> holidays, and business trips, sometimes, without worry of major downtime!).
> Please, guys 'n' girls: who are the major players in this sector of the
> market; who is trying to sell 1u, 2u and quarter racks, and doing so
> most cheaply/reliably?!?!
> FWIW, I access London via Waterloo, so if there is any much
> geographic/transport issues of physically me getting to the site of the
> server, please provide that detail, too, as I would like of course to
> work out how long it would take me to get door to door, hardware in
> hand, if things went down.
> Finally, and part of the reason for posting here. To differentiate
> between the different suggestions; do any of these companies support in
> any way FOSS/Ubuntu? I would like to give what little cash I have to a
> company that in some way contributes to Ubuntu, or failing that, FOSS
> more generally.
> TIA - great list; Ubuntu - I love it! :)
> LinuxLearner (hereafter LL)
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