Philips webcam

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Sun Jan 6 01:49:01 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Thomas Kaiser wrote:
>> Yes, that's true. And I did not recognize that the install path for gspca
>> is different between Gutsy and Feisty :-(
>> Why do they have to change the pathes in each distribution?
> They don't (or at least, they do, but it's always been predictable based on
> the kernel name) - but it changed in _this_ release.  I think that's a
> kernel issue, not an Ubuntu one.

I don't think this is a kernel issue. gspca is not allowed to go into kernel 
because of the "in-kernel-jpeg-decoding", ask Linus about this!

The maintainer of Ubuntu did include gspca into their distribution because you 
get a lot of webcams working! And that's what the people want!

Start your PC and plug in what you want and when it works it's a good OS!!!!!!

Got the point??



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