Ximeta NDAS Netdisk

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Fri Jan 4 19:32:14 UTC 2008

Keith Clark wrote:
> Has anyone successfully used a Ximeta NDAS Netdisk with Ubuntu 7.10?  If so, which driver package did you use and where did you get it from?

oooh!  good question, i have one of those too.  so far i've mounted it 
on my media server and shared it via nfs.  works great.  i plan on doing 
the same thing if i finally settle and get a wd my book drive or two 
later this year.


can anyone recommend a 500gb/1tb external storage solution for linux 
which isn't too complicated?  i like the 1tb version since it has two 
drives which can be mirrored to provide some fault-tolerance.

hrm, i don't mean to hijack, so i'll ask that question again in a new 


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