change firefox media plugin ubuntu

David Vincent dvincent at
Fri Jan 4 05:05:32 UTC 2008

Bram Kuijper wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to change the preferred media plugin with which I play an mp3 
> stream from a certain news website, within Firefox (version 
> How can I change the preferred plugin in a convenient way, when I got 
> multiple plugins installed that can handle this file type?
> If I go within Firefox to Preferences > Content > File Types > Manage, 
> then choose MP3 and click the button Change Action, I get a Download 
> Actions dialog in which I can see the plugin that is used, but there is 
> no way of changing the plugin to another one.
> On the page about:plugins, there are several players stated which are 
> able to play mp3 formats. What is the way that I can change the 
> preferred plugin in Firefox?

i have an mp3 server which serves up .pls files.  i want those to be 
played by xmms.  here's how i did it - hope it helps.

- browse the website and click on the link to stream the media
- SAVE THE OFFERED FILE TO THE DESKTOP (or somewhere else convenient)
- right-click said file on the desktop and choose properties
- go to the open with tab and choose the app you want to use
- click close
- go back to firefox and click on the link again

ta-da!  i renamed my pls file to m3u and did the same thing to get m3u 
files playing with xmms too.  then i did mp3s the same way.

(something is very disjointed between Gnome, Ubuntu, Firefox, who is the 
default handler of what file types and who respects that "default 
handler" status imho.)

or did you mean to stream the media into a plugin embedded in the page? 
  plugins suchas mplayer-mozilla, mozilla-plugin-vlc and totem-mozilla 
will help you there.


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