Installing Ubuntu

Andrew P. Burgess apb at
Fri Jan 4 01:30:02 UTC 2008

  I say you'd want at least 4 gig for the / partition (probably 5 or 6) to give room for temporary files, log files, and future programs you might wish to install. That leaves around around 4 gigs for /home.
Thanks, everyone for your help; one more quick thing: I decided to do 5GB each for the root and home directories. I booted from a live CD, opened gparted and shrunk my 10GB ext3-formatted partition in half. Then I tried to make a new partitions for the other 5GBs. I got a message saying I can only have 4 primary partitions and make an extended one instead. I poked around gparted trying to do that, but I couldn't figure out what to do; I deleted my other 5GB primary partition, and remade it, but "extended partition" and "logical partition" were grayed out in the partition type box. 
Thanks for your time; I'd appreciate a few tips on what to do!
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