html editor ?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Jan 3 12:42:14 UTC 2008

Ken McLennan wrote:
> G'day there Tony,
>> I had never seen nor heard of Arachnophilia until I saw your message.
>     Hey!! I *can* do something useful! I might have to show your message 
> to my wife :)
If she's anything like my wife, she won't believe you anyway....

>> I googled it.
>> Then I downloaded the Arachnophilia jar.
>> Then I ran the jar from terminal.
>> Then I used Arachnophilia to write a shell script to put in my path 
>> (/usr/local/bin)
>> Then I used Arachnophilia to edit my fluxbox menu to include the 
>> shellscript in my applications menu.
>> Then I closed Arachnophilia.
>> Then I started Arachnophilia from my fluxbox menu, and wrote this note, 
>> using Arachnophilia.
>> All this occured within the last 5 minutes.
>     It's pretty easy to install, that's for sure.
>> Arachnophilia is pretty useful.
>> It works GreaT!
>     Yep. I've used it for text, html, javascript, BASH and python 
> scripting. My success varied with my skills in each language (except 
> text). Unfortunately, none of those skills are exceptional but at least 
> what little ability I have wasn't hampered by the editor. It DOES work 
> great!
>> Perhaps I should include that in Linguas OS.
>     I can't see a problem with that. A quick note to the author should 
> be all that's needed, I doubt he'll object.

I wrote him, and he said that would be cool.


> Good luck with it
> See ya
> Ken

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