html editor ?

Ken McLennan kenrmcl at
Thu Jan 3 02:24:44 UTC 2008

G'day there Alex,

> I was looking for something to work both as wysiwyg and text editor.  I 
> like switching back and forth depending on the job.  I've been using 
> text editors, Dreamweaver, NVU, Kompozer.  It always seems that I start 
> off in wysiwyg and inevitibly have to switch to text mode to correct 
> code.  NVU doesn't put you in the same place when you switch to code 
> view.  I always have to find my place.  Dreamweaver was real good about 
> that.  I haven't found anything that works like that for linux, yet.  I 
> know there is one, though.  Somewhere.  I see I have some testing ahead 
> of me.
> 	Never tried Dreamweaver, but in either Windoze or Linux I've always returned to Arachnophilia. It's a Java app so it works the same in all environments (assuming you have Java installed). It may be worth a look. Other than that I've not made my mind up between Quanta & Bluefish.

See ya
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia

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