- Novo projecto (

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Wed Jan 2 20:41:34 UTC 2008

On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 11:42:21 AM -0800, NoOp (glgxg at

> On 01/02/2008 10:03 AM, M. Fioretti wrote:
> > Is there an english version of this announce somewhere? From what I
> > understood (I don't speak Portuguese, but it is "similar" enough to
> > Italian to give me an idea) it is something I would like to announce
> > in the Education section at, but probably many other
> > English language websites would be interested in it.
> > 
> > Happy 2008,
> > 			Marco
> <>

Thanks, but I was looking for a real translation, one I can safely
link to. I haven't even checked this one, but all the automatic
translations I've encountered so far, no matter what the tool was,
made me itch and want to look somewhere else after just a few
lines. It can be OK if you need to get the gist of a fairly simple
text or manual, but to provide as a link to people who care almost
nothing about (any) software to begin with... may be


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