Writing a device driver

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at kaiser-linux.li
Wed Jan 2 12:28:40 UTC 2008

Anthony Papillion wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I hope someone can 
> point me in the right direction. I currently have an Acer laptop with an 
> integrated webcam. There is no driver for this webcam and I'm seriously 
> considering writing one. I'm a good C++ and Java coder and I'm sure I 
> have the chops to do it. I've just never done it before. Can anyone 
> point me to any helpful 'get started' tutorials for writing device 
> drivers under linux?
> Thanks,
> Anthony

And take a look at gspca http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html



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