Flash Player under 7.10 64bit

Phil Tann phil at philtann.com
Tue Jan 1 11:24:34 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 01 January 2008 21:48:14 Corey Bettenhausen wrote:
> Phil Tann wrote:
> > HELP!
> >
> > I'm starting to get pretty frustrated by my lack of progress in finding a
> > flash player for 64bit version of Ubuntu 7.10.  I've heard that there's
> > a "workaround" for it as there's no official 64bit version of the
> > player... but not managed to locate where it is or instructions on how to
> > do it.
> >
> > Anyone got any ideas?
> > Cheers all and Happy New Year to all your your families.
> The last I heard was that there was no 64-bit flash player.  The
> "workaround" was to install a 32-bit browser and the regular, 32-bit
> flash player.  I may be wrong, though.  There's been plenty of
> discussion about this on here.  It would be worthwhile to search the
> archives.
> -Corey

Will do

Phil Tann
phil at philtann.com
Mobile: 0404 098 268

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