OT: sysprofile

Richard Rudnick rich at aphroneo.net
Fri Feb 29 23:29:38 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 23:58 +0100, Leo Cacciari wrote:
> Il giorno ven, 29/02/2008 alle 14.01 -0800, Richard Rudnick ha scritto:

> > Thanks for the info about sysprofile, it looks very interesting. Is this
> > used by default in hardy?
> There was a similar system, i.e. a /etc subdirectory holding scripts to
> be executed for all logging shell, since the time of debian potato (may
> be earlier, but that the first debian I installed). And I even had it on
> a sun workstation. The directory has changed name over time however, and
> I can not remember if in potato it was the same for all shells, the
> way /etc/sysprofile.d/ is.
> By the way, I never remember the name of the directory, thus I got to it
> starting from the standard bash system wide script /et/profile. There
> you see sourcing of /etc/sysprofile This script running the scripts
> in /etc/sysprofile.d/

The reason I ask is I'd never seen this in a default debian, and it
wasn't in gutsy until I installed it. The install notes explained how to
add the sourcing to /etc/profile. Nice tool, though. I'm going to set
some time aside to modify it for my ~/.bash_profile ;)

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