VNC ? again
Wade Smart
wade at
Thu Feb 28 17:28:41 UTC 2008
Wade Smart wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 02/27/2008 06:42 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>>> NoOp wrote:
>>>> Wade, VNC is already there, just enable by System|Preferences|Remote
>>>> Desktop. Click on "Allow other users etc". Uninstall the tight VNC
>>>> stuff. Even though I use Gnome v KDE I high recommend installing and
>>>> using Krdc as the client. It's much easier to use and the scroll bars
>>>> actually work.
>>>> When you get that working, come back & we'll help you set up NX (or
>>>> freeNX) if you'd like.
>>> 02272008 2035 GMT-6
>>> I know is already there.
>>> This is what I need to do - or help set up.
>>> From the front office to the back of the school - the admin needs to be
>>> able to control the screen - the mouse, point and click, etc, to show
>>> the end user how to do, or how to fix something. Because of some out of
>>> date district rules we cant install other software on the computers so,
>>> I thought we could do it via the browser.
>>> This is what I have now.
>>> Under Remote Desktop Preferences I have
>>> Allow other users to view your desktop
>>> Allow other users to control your desktop
>>> Ask you for confirmation
>>> Require the user to enter this password.
>> What happens when you try to login? Does it prompt and take the
>> password? Following that does it just give you a black screen? If so
>> then the user on the other end needs to accept the connection. While
>> testing I'd recommend turning off Ask you for confirmation - just make
>> sure to keep the password requirement.
>>> As I understand it, you have to have tightvncserver to have a shared
>>> session. Unless Im misunderstanding, I want a shared session - one that
>>> I and the teacher both share. Right?
>> Should work, although you guys might get confused on who's moving the
>> mouse at each end... I just tested on my system and I can VNC into it
>> from two other systems and both work usind Krdc as the client. No
>> tightVNC installed, just plain Vino that comes with the standard Ubuntu
>> package.
>>> All the desktops have Gnome.
>>> I want to access the Ubuntu desktops with both Ubuntu and Windows XP
>>> clients via a browser.
>> Then I'd recommend recommend using UltraVNC as the client for the
>> WindowsXP box.
> Right now if I try either the IP address or the url I get: RFB 003.007
> I'll uninstall tight and try it straight.
> Wade
02282008 1114 GMT-6
NoOp, I have access to my computer again (what a relief) and I have
uninstalled tightvnc. I saw the post by David about the steps to get VNC
working but something crept into my mind.
Just to be clear: I need to access a Ubuntu computer (about 20 right
now) from both ubuntu and windows XP systems. On the XP systems I am not
allowed to install extra software such as the VNC Viewer so I wanted to
do all of this over the browser.
And thinking one step ahead - as soon as I set this up the local admin
will want to log in from home to fix something so security should be
Reading this article about SSH - it says right at the beginning that it
does not use Vino - but can it be used?
And the next thing I have to think about is - (and this might be wishful
thinking) the desktops being accessed are teachers pc's. They dont know
anything about their computers. So I really want this to be as simple as
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