XFX Nvidia 8800GT

Owen Townend owen.townend at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 21:50:03 UTC 2008

On 2/29/08, Neil <hok.krat at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Leo Noordhuizen
> <leo.noordhuizen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > An addition: When trying to install the proprietary drivers Ubuntu tells
> me
> > that the system doesnt need any proprietary drivers, and consequently
> doesnt
> > install start
> > the install process.
> Is this normal? Won't Ubuntu install proprietary drivers?
> While I can understand there are reasons this would be definite reason
> to choose Suse once again on my next install. Last time I checked
> decent dual view was impossible in the open source drivers. I have 3
> monitors and a TV connected to 2 Nvidia cards, so my setup is somewhat
> complicated to get working without proprietary drivers.
> I am on this mailing list because I may one day switch to Ubuntu once
> my current project (it needs windoze) is finished and I can decently
> format my pc. If Ubuntu would not accept free proprietary drivers that
> would be a definite "no go" to ubuntu  for me.
> Neil
> --
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> 1. People who start their arrays with 0.
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  I'm using an older nvidia 6600 card in a dual monitor setup
which works beautifully in Ubuntu using the proprietary drivers.
Dual screen still works without them using a
though if that's your preference.
  I've had some success in the past using the latest drivers from the nvidia
website instead of the prebuilt Ubuntu packages for newer cards and/or newer
kernels. The file you can download from
http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html is runnable and can either provide a
pre-built nvidia kernel or compile one for you (requires
linux-headers-`uname -r` + gcc).

  On the new card question though, the 9600GT cards here
are only ~AU$200-300 (depending on brand & option variations) and look
very promising. The problem though is they are
closer to the bleeding edge and support will be even less mature than
your 8800GT.

  That said, I'd definately try the latest drivers from nvidia before giving
it up as a lost cause.

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