Error on reboot after setting up VNC

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Feb 28 04:14:33 UTC 2008

On 02/27/2008 07:57 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
> 02272008 2151 GMT-6
> I have just been posting about trying to use VNC on this computer and 
> now I have a error message on my screen when I reboot:
> "User's $HOME /.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default 
> session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and 
> have 644 permissions. Users $HOME directory must be owned by user and 
> not writable by other users."
> I get this right after I put in the password and hit enter.
> I just looked and I cant find a hidden dmrc file so I ran a search and I 
> cant find it through a search either.
> Wade

Ah, I remember that one. Happened to me once as well. This is what
finally helped me sort it out:

BTW: I can't recall what happened or why it occured. But I did manage to
get it sorted out by changing the permissions *and* the chown back. What
do you see for:

ls -l .dmrc

On this machine I get:
ls -l .dmrc
-rw------- 1 ggx ggx 67 2008-02-27 17:06 .dmrc

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