apache - gutsy

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Feb 26 16:27:33 UTC 2008

jack wrote:

> Just got apache2 up on gutsy server.
> not actually an ubu question, but I'm trying to sort this out -
> "Could not reliably determine the server's FQDN, using for
> Servername."
> I'm googling through both web and some apache docs now, but they all
> seem to point to having a registered domain name and static ip.
> I do have a static ip, but don't own a domain to anchor this to.
> Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

What does "hostname -f" say?  (That's rhetorical, because I know it doesn't
say anything useful to apache :-) )

It's all tied to a variety of configuration settings, but basically apache
is saying it can't find a name that it can use for a web server on the

If this is to be on an intranet, only, that's not a huge issue - though
you'd still want your network to be able to find your server.

So, you need a valid name in /etc/hostname and you need "gethostbyname()"
(the same thing as "hostname -f") to return a qualified name.  That means
you need /etc/resolv.conf to include a domain name via either "search"
or "domain" keywords, and either /etc/hosts to include the name and address
of your host+domain, or your DNS to return an IP for that host+domain.  If
you have a local router, it probably has its own DNS which can do the job.

If this server is to be accessible from the Internet, then you need either
to register a domain and have everybody's DNS pointing to you, get your ISP
to register your host under _their_ domain (not likely) or register with a
Dynamic domain name system, like DynDNS.org, to have it direct one of its
domains to your IP.

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