
Conor Schaefer conor.schaefer at
Mon Feb 25 01:17:28 UTC 2008

I believe Jack was talking about icons on his desktop. In other words,
they were shortcuts placed in his /home/jack/Desktop folder, and he
wants them only to appear on desktop1. I believe widgets or something
would be needed for this, but perhaps there are other ways.

Christoph Bier wrote:
> jack schrieb am 24.02.2008 00:20:
>> Not really an important item, but one I've puzzled over from time to
>> time. On Desktop1, I have some remote system connections and a few other
>> folder/app links. I'd like to be able to anchor those to Desktop1 only,
>> so that when I switch to Desktop2, the desktop would be empty. Is that
>> possible to do in Gutsy?
>> (I'm not running compiz, just straight ubu 7.10/gnome).
> To be honest I don't understand your problem. I have 9 desktops set
> up and on each of them different applications are running. Those
> applications/windows do not move if swichting desktops (except
> pressing a special shortcut). As I'm using this feature for many
> years and I've never seen the behaviour you describe I wonder how
> you set up your desktops.
> Best
> Christoph

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