Canon and linux (Was: Network Fax)

Gernot Hassenpflug aikishugyo at
Sun Feb 24 07:12:43 UTC 2008

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:31 AM, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> On 02/23/2008 05:09 PM, Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
>  > Interesting! "CUPS fax queue". Never heard of that one. I suspect that
>  > might be a little different from the normal printer queue CUPS sets
>  > up. Also nice to see that HP does provide good support. I used to use
>  > HP back home, but unfortunately here in Japan they only import a few
>  > models which a) do not have as much functionality as the Japanese
>  > models (surprise surprise) and b) are being sold well over their
>  > international sad. Good luck with you setup.
>  >
>  While you are there, convince Canon to support linux for their products!-)

Hehe! My emails to Japanese companies (so far: Sharp, Canon,
Konika-Minolta) are useless. One reply will say "Thanks you blah, I
will enquire with my boss", followed by a second saying "Sorry, my
boss says that is a company secret". The same mails (like, which chip
is inside your scanner) elicits drivers, specs and what not from
Konika-Minolta Germany, for example. My wife is reading a book for
taking tests to become safety inspector etc., and the book states that
with regard to business practices, Japanese companies are slowly
changing in response to Western criticism in the age of international
trade.... but too slowly.

>  BTW: I lived in Japan for 5 years (1975-1980) without ever coming back
>  to the US in between. My first test drive while buying a car back in the
>  US was pretty interesting... drove off the car lot onto a major 4 lane
>  boulevard in the wrong direction.

LOL. I can understand that. Scary! Many of my US friends that spend
time here tell me they cannot understand how Americans continue to
drive crappy cars :-)

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