Archive search

sktsee sktsee at
Mon Feb 18 17:32:36 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-02-17 at 11:26 -0500, Alex Janssen wrote: 
> sktsee said the following on 02/16/2008 06:22 PM:
> > On Sat, 2008-02-16 at 16:26 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote: 
> >   
> >> sktsee wrote:
> >>
> >>     
> >>> On Sat, 2008-02-16 at 13:03 -0500, Alex Janssen wrote:
> >>>       
> >>>> Where can I search the archives of this list?
> >>>> I don't see how at
> >>>>
> >>>>         
> >>> Do either a site search with google, i.e.
> >>> site: <searchterms>. Or
> >>> you can go to a site that archives lists and use their search function
> >>> like or
> >>>
> >>>       
> >> I haven't checked that Nabble actually has these lists, but if it does, it
> >> has the better (imo) search interface.  gmane certainly does have them.
> >> -- 
> >> derek
> >>
> >>
> >>     
> > Agreed about Nabble's search. Though it does have a drawback in that it
> > doesn't contain the complete archive of the list. It's  missing the
> > first 12 months or so since the list began in mid Sept. of 2004. Gmane
> > OTOH, is only missing the first two days since the beginning.
> >
> > I would have like to have recommended (Mailing-list ARChive)
> > for its no-frills UI, but unfortunately it doesn't carry any Ubuntu
> > lists :/
> >
> >   
> What would be involved to add search functionality to
> Maybe some ambitious, knowledgeable person might do it sometime.
> Nabble seems to work for my purposes, for now.

I would echo Derek's sentiment about re-inventing the wheel. There's
quite few other mailing list archive sites out there. I just picked a
couple I knew off of the top of my head. If you're talking about
creating a search app for personal use on your local machine, you could
download the raw list (488MB, IIRC) and use an app like grepmail, or
maybe even tracker-search-tool or Beagle if they index mbox files. Never
had any need for it, so I'm not aware of any drop-in solutions that
might exist out there.


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