Fwd: No rt* modules on alternate cd: Was Alternate Gutsy CD-Debootstrap Error Installing Base System-Failed To Determine Code Name Of Release

sktsee sktsee at tulsaconnect.com
Fri Feb 15 21:07:58 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 11:56 -0800, Leonard Chatagnier wrote: 
> --- sktsee <sktsee at tulsaconnect.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 09:13 -0800, Leonard
> > Chatagnier wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]
> > > > 
> > > Thanky so much. I'll check them all to see if the
> > rt*
> > > mods are listed and maybe try out the alt DVD also
> > as
> > > I'm trying out the 4th install and still find it
> > > hanging at certain spots in the install software
> > > portion which I don't think it should do.  Also
> > trying
> > > the linux generic ipo the 2.2.22.-14 generic that
> > I
> > > remember you saying was the only one that worked
> > for
> > > you and your wifi card. I let the list know what
> > > happens.  Thanks for the needed help.
> > >
> > The wireless (rt*) modules are located in the
> > linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-[flavor] (flavor
> > being generic, i386,
> > server, etc.). After installation, check to see if
> > that package is
> > installed. If not, you should be able to install it
> > from the cd, as it's
> > included on the cdimage according to the file
> > manifest.
> > 
> Thanks for offering help and info, sktsee. I know what
> your saying and I myself find it hard to believe it
> wasnj't there.  I just now closed this thread out with
> a solved reply.  You might want to read it. You'll
> find it hard to believe. I know the module is included
> for the kernel I installed.  It was the same kernel I
> was running with a NIC card before I switched to a
> wifi card that I got working but had other issues.  It
> just wasn't on my HDD after the first install and I
> couldn't find it on the cd using a root shell, sudo
> updatedb, locate and just manually searching the cd.
> There may be a better way but I don't know it.
> Not even sure I know how to install a module from the
> alt CD, and would like to know for sure. Is it any
> more specific than doing a "sudo aptitude install
> rt61pci.ko" I installed all the other programs that
> the cd failed to install using that format.
> Thanks for your input,

The rt61pci.ko module is located along with other ndiswrapper wireless
modules in the package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic. So in
order to install it, you would do "sudo aptitude install
linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic" Apparently, that package was
skipped over during your installation, hence that's why the rt* modules
weren't on your system after the installation finished. I was just
pointing out that you can install those drivers manually from the
linux-ubuntu-module package located on the  cdimage if they don't get
installed during the initial installation.

Anyway, glad to see you finally got it going.


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