Warning: COC Violation (was Re: karl-desktop)

Dax Solomon Umaming knightlust at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 14 15:01:43 UTC 2008

To All Concerned;

Please be informed that debates (including heated discussions) are strongly 
encouraged on this list - as long as it's technical and as long as everyone 
abides by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. 

Now this has gone out of hand. No one need not be reminded that name calling 
and personal attacks are immature, frowned upon and _will_ get you banned 
from this list. No one cares who started this, it has to stop. I'm asking 
everyone to kill this thread. 

This is my first warning. You will get a second warning privately on your 
second offense and banned on the third.

Again, let's kill this thread. No more replies please and let's move on. We 
have some users who need our attention, let's make use of our time helping 
them instead of feeding the fire.

Thank you.

Dax Solomon Umaming
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