About informing others of the list guidelines [was: karl-desktop]
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 14 14:46:21 UTC 2008
--- Kristian Rink <kristian at zimmer428.net> wrote:
> Am Sun, 10 Feb 2008 16:36:21 +0200
> schrieb Ari Torhamo <ari.torhamo at saunalahti.fi>:
> > People generally seem to appreciate to be able to
> learn efficient ways
> > to work together. I myself am grateful for the
> lessons I have received
> > here for effective communication. When I came to
> this list, I always
> > top posted, wrote uninformative subject lines for
> my messages, was
> > unspecific when I described a problem, I may have
> even... ehem... sent
> > in an HTML message or two, and so on :-) I thank
> those who took the
> > time to tell me a better way.
> You're right. :)
> Discussions like this whole "karl-desktop" thread
> are seriously
> disturbing to me, also because, well, there has been
> more than one like
> these threads around here just recently where,
> obviously started by
> someone who posted a message with a pointless
> subject or a message
> including HTML or a message hijacking another
> thread, people end up in
> infinite discussions about formalities, leaving
> aside the only thing
> that actually should be taken care of first: helping
> the person that
> asked a question, no matter how "formally bad" this
> question has been
> expressed.
> Seeing this is sad on an Ubuntu list as indeed this
> isn't new - it's
> been the same way on newsgroups and other mailing
> list for ages -
> chances to get help sending an HTML-formatted mail
> to debian-user is
> rather low. Too bad if you're using an ISP end-user
> webmailer that
> doesn't allow for sending anything else. I like the
> idea of netiquette,
> and I think there are good reasons why to kindly ask
> people to (not) do
> some things. But maybe we should focus on what
> things mainly are about
> - helping others. So, perhaps, it would be better to
> ignore questions
> we can't answer and provide "formal hints" as a
> small note ("by the
> way: ...") _after_ providing substantials hints to a
> question asked by
> some user on that list? This would hopefully keep
> endless "formal"
> discussions from happening...
> Just my â¬0.02 on that.
> Cheers,
> Kristian
Your $0.02 are worth a million dollars. These flames
or whatever there called have increased my user mail
10 fold and they are not helping anyone solve any
Wouldn't it be nice if every serious post had this
many helpful replies to assist the person asking for
help. I personally would like to see these just go
away and people just not reply to them which would
make them go away. But, I'm doing the same thing
aren't I? Sorry, just couldn't help it.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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