Telnet Server installation failed

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Mon Feb 11 19:23:49 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 14:29 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote:
> but why is it that we have to tell people time after time that they'll
> need to enable universe (or multiverse, or backports...).  There
> really should be a way for the default package managers to make it
> _obvious_ to new users that there are other repositories not enabled
> by default.

Right on! It could work similar to the nifty new feature that recommends
an application when you try to open a file for which no app exists. That
is, it could show you the packages but indicate that they can't be
installed due to repo settings and explain why.

Or maybe do something more radical altogether and do away with the
notion of repos in the GUI, at least in the non-expert apps. End users
don't think that way, the whole concept might expose an irrelevant
implementation detail.

This would make for a fabulous spec on Wanna work on it

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