Thank you!

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Feb 11 06:22:51 UTC 2008

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 17:28:17 -0600
Willis Taylor <gods-servant at> wrote:

> > In any case you should configure your system to use ntpd to sync time with 
> > time servers on the internet.
> That sounds like a great idea but since I'm new to Linux can you 
> enlighten me as to how, please?

In Gnome ( the default Ubuntu desktop), right click the clock top right
and select "Adjust Date & Time", then select "Configuration - Keep
synchronised with Internet servers."

You'll be prompted for your password.

Select maybe 3 Time Servers near you - don't go mad and select all the
servers in the list :) Having more than one is OK - if any of them go
offline, the system will use the others. There's an Ubuntu one at the
bottom of the list that you might want to include as one of your choices.

That's about it - just close the dialogue and you should get regular time
adjustments from now on...


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