Another WIFI Issue Involving WMP54G & /etc/hosts
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
Sun Feb 10 23:17:10 UTC 2008
--- Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> --- Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 12:59:22 -0800 (PST)
> > Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> >
> > > You know, I've asked if there is a way to
> > reestablish
> > > the /etc/host file to this list before and have
> > never
> > > got a direct answer to the question.
> >
> > For what it's worth, I don't use the new-fangled
> > or whatever.
> > I just have
> >
> > localhost.localdomain localhost
> myhostname
> >
> > Where "myhostname" is whatever you named your box,
> > in /etc/hosts at the top, with the usual IPV6
> stuff
> > left in at the bottom.
> >
> > Seems to work just fine. Personally I can't see
> the
> > point of the
> > additional IP, but no doubt there's some excellent
> > reason for adding it.
> > Since it works the old way, and I had issues with
> > the new way, I just
> > shrugged my shoulders and reverted it...
> >
> > Just as an aside, Leonard - many people have tried
> > to help you since you
> > joined the list. I think complaining about
> volunteer
> > help is a bit rich,
> > don't you?
> >
> No, not in this case. Sometimes a person needing
> help
> just needs a simple straight forward answer to a
> direct question for him to make progress. And I did
> read the reference, good to know, but didn't give me
> any help.
> In any case, I never have set up a network on my on
> and was struggling for answers and knew on my own
> that
> /etc/resolv.conf and my host file was not standard
> and
> felt it was preventing the wifi from functioning
> just
> didn't know how to fix. You read the list regularly
> and know or will shortly that David Vincent already
> provided the little clue that solved my whole wifi
> problem and that I've already posted the solved
> replies on his post and on my original posting of
> the
> issue. If you read my original post, Linksys WMP54G
Wireles Adaptor Wont Work; Or I Don't Know How To, you
know that I had solved everything except the search
domain thingy on my own by googling and reading
manuals that aren't written for the unknowing. I try
to do my homework before posting as try not asking
questions I can find out on my own.
Anyway it seems ok to tell the user he's not behaving
appropriately so why not the user telling the list how
it can help him more efficiently. It seems that is a
no-no however. I do think my reply was civil and
needed to be said. If it cost me, then so be it but I
wasn't intending to bitch, just make a point. You
should see my point especially if you ever were on my
side of the fence.
Sorry about sending this reply half finished, but my
frustration made me hit the wrong button.
FWIW, I do appreaciate all the help the volunteer
user's group provide and have benefited from it much.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
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