Getting Skype webcam working SOLVED

Rutger van Haasteren vhaasteren at
Sun Feb 10 17:09:22 UTC 2008

On Feb 10, 2008 5:24 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:

> Paul wrote:
> > On Feb 10, 2008 7:49 AM, Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Gerald Dachs wrote:
> >>
> >>> Am Sat, 09 Feb 2008 20:55:30 -0500
> >>> schrieb Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at>:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>     Well FEDEX arrived with my new referbished webcam And I knew it
> >>>>> was going to be good. When I plugged it in a light in the webcam
> >>>>> came on. On Skype I selected Options - Video Devices and where it
> >>>>> says Select webcam it reads  (/dev/video0).
> >>>>> When I press the test in the black square it shows the image from
> >>>>> the webcam.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>     So to get a wbcam to work in Ubuntu you must have the right
> >>>>> webcam and the one above is right. It cost $20.00
> >>>>>
> >>>>>     All of you who thought you should be able to get the other
> >>>>> webcam I have working are wrong.
> >>>>>
> >>>> Okay.  Everyone on the list now knows that if it isn't something
> >>>> listed on the known-good-out-of-box list, get something else that is
> >>>> and all difficulties will be gone.
> >>>>
> >>>> Damn.  Guess we don't even NEED this list.  Karl just solved all of
> >>>> our problems in perpetuity.
> >>>>
> >>> :)
> >>>
> >>> The problem is only that his information are not very useful.
> >>> At least the first ten pages in google searching for "Logitech
> QuickCam
> >>> EC" let not show up a single shop where you can buy one. Either it
> >>> is too old, or it sold by another name.
> >>>
> >> I know I was being snarky in response to something that sounded snarky
> >> originally.  Forgive the sin, but in my reading of the thread it was
> >> rather harsh to declare everyone else wrong when there were other steps
> >> to be taken to troubleshoot.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Agreed.  Take a look at Karl's postings over the past week.
> >
> > I think a troll's afoot.
> >
> >
>    I think your a trouble maker. I DID ask for help. I got some bad and
> some good help. The bad was from you as I recall. Something about a
> Google Search.
>    But a few guys said well I have a xyz webcam and it is working fine
> in Ubuntu. I took that advice and solved the problem. If this is how a
> troll works then I am a troll.

Karl, your problem is not solved. Your original camera still doesn't work,
does it? Maybe some guys here are not as 'kind' as some people you know in
the real world, but they are here solely to help you and others. Some
replies can be interpreted as being 'harsh' or 'too direct', or whatever.
But you didn't have to. They /were/ trying to help you. And they could.
For instance, telling you to use google is not a rtfm. It's so they can
point you in the right direction and then go on helping others.
But it's good that you have found a way to make it work for you. Cheers,

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