must rmmod nvidia & modprobe nvidia to start X

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Sun Feb 10 13:52:54 UTC 2008

Zach wrote:
> Just bumping this message.  Does anyone have any advice about this or
> even how to begin troubleshooting it?

What is the exact model of your nvidia card?

Do you see in the logs (or PCI probes) what the computer is identifying 
the card as, using a device ID?

Also, is there anything in the logfiles for X being posted into it? 
Probably your Xorg log in /var/log.

The only thing I could think of off the top of my head would be to check 
in your modules directory to see if there's a couple nvidia modules in 
there, and the modprobe is launching the "correct one" while the initial 
load is pulling an "incorrect" one.

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