
David Duong dduong at goldenmunky.org
Sat Feb 9 23:19:04 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I am having trouble setting up squid. It seems to dislike all I have 
> done and does this:
> File host.conf saved
> root at karl-desktop:/etc# squid -z
> /etc/host.conf: line 2: bad command `    localhost'
> FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname.  Please set 
> 'visible_hostname'
> Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE14): Terminated abnormally.
> CPU Usage: 0.008 seconds = 0.008 user + 0.000 sys
> Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
> Page faults with physical i/o: 0
> Aborted (core dumped)
> root at karl-desktop:/etc#
> I can't find a visible_hostname anywhere.
> karl

Hello Karl,

I believe instead of having "localhost" as your hostname, it must have a 
  visible hostname (hence the error).  So try this:

type hostname and see what's your hostname.  If you know your hostname 
by heart..good.  Also, if you have set your server with an internal 
static ip address, remember that too.

Then in the /etc/host.conf, replace the "" with the actual ip 
address of that server and replace "localhost" with your server name.

Correct me if I'm wrong :)

~ David Duong

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