[OT] Windoz Install CD and Linux?

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at kaiser-linux.li
Sat Feb 9 18:01:47 UTC 2008

steve wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> | Hello everyone
> |
> | I have a test Laptop, currently Ubuntu 7.10 and fedora as double boot
> installed.
> | Because of webcam driver development I decided to trash the first
> partition and
> | install Windoz on it. But this was not possible, the Windoz install CD
> did not
> | boot on this laptop :-(. I tried the CD on a other PC and it was
> booting just fine!
> | Today, I bought a new HD for that laptop and now the Windoz install CD
> just
> | booted fine!? and I could install Windoz!
> |
> | Does the Windoz XP Pro install CD have some "anti" Linux detection?
> |
> | Anyone out there had the same experience?
> |
> | Thomas
> |
> |
> its got nothing to do with "anti linux"  detection. theres no such
> thing.  im 100% sure its got more to do with one of these 3, the cdrom
> driver, bios boot settings, or the type of cd you used.

I did play with all BIOS settings. An none did work. The Ubuntu live CD was 
always booting OK! Then I took out the HD and the Windoz XP install CD did boot! 
Really strange.



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