Linksys WMP54G Wireles Adaptor Wont Work; Or I Don't Know How To
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
Fri Feb 8 17:20:20 UTC 2008
--- NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> On 02/07/2008 09:50 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- Colin Brace <cb at> wrote:
> >
> >> Sorry to hear about your problems. That card
> should
> >> be supported by
> >> the rt2400 driver, which is included in the
> current
> >> kernel; no
> >> ndiswrapper necessary. I haven't tried it under
> >> Ubuntu but it works
> >> under Fedora.
> >>
> > Welll, gave it a good try and I'm sorry to say it
> > didn't work with the rt2400. I cleared out
> > /etc/modules of the rt modules I added and all the
> > blacklisted modules I added until the system was
> back
> > to original state when it was wired. Pulled the
> card
> > and rebooted to clear out any related moduled in
> the
> > kernel. Added it back and rebooted again. lspci
> > listed the card. lsmod listed rt2400pci and all
> > related dependencies but dmesg, debug, kern and
> daemon
> > logs had no mention of anything wireless and
> iwconfig
> > had no wireless extensions.Adding all the detail
> > because I don't know what I'm doing and someone
> may
> > see something wrong. The irg wasn't even assigned
> as
> > on my other trials and I'm wondering if I should
> > remove the NIC in case it could be interfering
> with
> > the wifi.
> > Thaanks your efforts are appreciated,
> >
> >
> > Leonard Chatagnier
> > lenc5570 at
> >
> Leonard, are you running the 'generic' kernel? I had
> a heck of a time
> getting ndiswrapper & other wifi working on my son's
> laptop with the 386
> kernel. It was only when I switched back to the
> standard 'generic'
> kernel that everything started working.
> uname -r
> will give you the version.
Yep, running 2.6.22-14-generic when trying to get the
card to hookup. Have tried some other gutsy installed
ones based on what driver/module I'm working with. In
fact modules for the above doesn't list a rt61 module
just a rt61pci. Read somewhere that the rt61 worked
but rt61pci didn't. Have tried all module references
I could find saying it would work with WMP54G v4.1 and
some see the card(lspci); others don't. Haven't
totally given up yet(because haven't seen enough
replies saying that such & such wifi pci card works
out of the box with ubuntu). If someone said that "I
used this card, model no. etc and it worked out of the
box, I'd go buy it today. The one Colin Brace
recommended is not available in my area, I think, and
I've looked a lot. uname -a say it's the #1 SMP i686
version. Is that the right one? Right now I'm piddling
with the rt61pci module as the rt2400 didn't pick up
the card in dmesg LINK* (no irq assigned). Once I get
the card recognized again and dmesg output that eth0
and wlan0 or ra0 whatever it is, is not active, I'm
going to use knetwork-manager to set up ISP data, ie.,
essid, gateway, all that stuff I have available. If
that's not right thing or you or anyone have
suggestions, let me hear them. And thanks for keeping
the thread alive.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
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