Walter Garcia-Fontes walter.garcia at upf.edu
Thu Feb 7 08:46:19 UTC 2008

* Max Neumüller [06/02/08 21:07]:
> Does anybody have a solution to operate a HUAWEI E220 HSDPA USB Modem?

I'm using it without a problem. You need the following program:

You have to cancel the pin (set up the modem so that it doesn't ask
for a pin), maybe using the software provided (in the case of Spain
the providers shift the modem with software for Windows). 

After dowloading the above program to an appropiate place, write a
script like this and run it:

echo ""
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1003
echo "Modprobe has been run"
sleep 5

echo ""
sudo /usr/local/etc/huaweiAktBbo-i386.out
sleep 5

echo ""
sudo wvdial hsdpa

And voila!

Walter Garcia-Fontes               

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