raw1394 permissions

Alfred JILKA ubuntu at jilka.eu
Wed Feb 6 16:51:22 UTC 2008

Nils Kassube schrieb:
> Alfred JILKA wrote:
>> got a short question, which hopefully does not require a too long
>> answer: whenever I connect my DV-camera the device-file is recreated
>> with permissions 755.
>> Now the question:  what can be done, so that either the file remains or
>> is recreated with
>> 777 permissions ?
> In the file /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules you can setup a rule 
> for the device in question.
> Nils
I'll give it a try. Looks like a promising answer. Thanks for the hint. 
I guess I never would have found this place without aid. As soon as I 
have success I'll tell you-

Thanks a lot, Alfred
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