untopcp.gz revisited

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Wed Feb 6 11:59:16 UTC 2008

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 20:35:03 -0500
elmo <elmo at ne.rr.com> wrote:

> Now, I'm trying to install unstopcp.gz in another computer that has
> ubuntu, using the same commands but this time it doesn't work and
> although there is a unstopcp I get the following notice....
> "   ./unstopcp: error while loading shared libraries:  libqt=mt.so.3:
> cannot open shared object file:  No such file or directory   "
> What can I do to make unstopcp work in the other computer?libqt3-mt

Try installing 


The file it's complaining about is in that package...


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