Measuring CPU temperatures in ubuntu

Alex Janssen alex at
Tue Feb 5 00:56:53 UTC 2008

AlgoMantra said the following on 02/04/2008 07:40 PM:
> fadereu at fadeurium:~$ acpi -t
>      Battery 1: charged, 100%
>      Thermal 1: ok, 60.0 degrees C
>      Thermal 2: ok, 27.0 degrees C
> COOL!!!
apjjr at di1501aj:~$ acpi -Vf
     Battery 1: discharging, 91%, 04:38:02 remaining
     Thermal 1: ok, 95.0 degrees F
  AC Adapter 1: off-line

I don't understand degrees C.

 Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. (21)

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