Volume Control

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 23:24:40 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 05 February 2008 08:32:26 Darryl Tidd wrote:
> I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 and having a problem with my volume control.
> When I click on it and move the slider, nothing happens.  I must double
> click and get the interface with the Master, PCM, and Front sliders.
> Both PCM and Front, when moved, change the volume, however, the master
> does nothing to the volume.  I am using gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7.
> Thanks
> Dtidd

Hi Darryl

That's normal to my understanding. The master volume wont be louder the the 
highest the others are set to. Think of it like a tap, it wont let the water 
out faster than it's supplied. If you want to be able to vary your volume the 
full way from the spkr icon then up the other volumes to the max (not the mic 
and such) and then the master volume will work as you expect


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