Installing a 64 bit OS or keeping a 32 bit OS?

Chris Jones jonesc at
Fri Feb 1 10:59:16 UTC 2008


Jef Driesen wrote:
> Currently, I have the 32bit version of Ubuntu installed on my laptop (an
> Intel Core 2 Duo), but I'm considering reinstalling with the 64bit
> version. Are there any disadvantages? 

The advantages outweigh a few minor annoyances (in my opinion)

One (minor) issue is a few things don't yet exist in 64 bit form, 
firefox plugins. If this is an issue for you then it is not hard to just 
run the 32 bit firefox on your 64 bit system (see below).

> Can I still run 32bit applications? 

Yes, absolutely. You will need to install some 32 bit system libraries 
along side their 64 bit versions (this may be default, I don't have a 64 
bit ubuntu so cannot be sure here. Someone else who does can clarify this).

> Can I upgrade to the 64bit version or do I need to reinstall?

I don't think upgrading is possible, you have to do a clean reinstall.

> Can I have them both side by side, without doing two
> completely separate installations (dualboot)?

Dual boot should be possible, but not really necessary, since the 64 bit 
version can run any 32 bit binary.

> The laptop is mainly used for software development, so I would like to
> have a 64bit environment for testing my code. But I still need to be
> able to compile for a 32bit environment (and preferable test them as
> well). Is that possible?

yes, with gcc just use the "-m32" flag and that will force the 64 bit 
compiler to build 32 bit binaries.

> I also use the laptop for playing some multimedia. Will that be a
> problem? As far as I know, it's not possible to use w32codecs on a 64bit
> Linux? Are there any alternatives for playing wmv, flash,... ?

This is one area you might have issues, but as I said if anything 
doesn't work, just use the 32 bit version instead...

cheers Chris

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