No sound with VLC

Sonal Santan sonal.santan at
Wed Dec 31 17:05:41 UTC 2008

markfpyles wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (Gnome desktop) on a Dell 1525 Inspiron laptop. 
> I have installed VLC media player, but unfortunately when I put a dvd 
> in to play I get no sound what so ever. I have check my sound 
> preferences and everything looks normal. I normally do have sound with 
> any and all other applications, just not VLC. Is there something I can 
> do to fix this? Thanks.
> Mark

Check VLCs Preferences for Audio. Select ALSA audio output. For VLC 0.9.4--

First check Advanced Controls in Tools Menu. Then, 
Preferences->Audio->ALSA Audio output.

Other versions of VLC might be similar.


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